Degrees Of Comparison

Degrees Of Comparison

Degrees Of Comparison

We use Degrees of Comparison to compare people, places or things. An adjective can have one of three forms: Positive, Comparitive or Superlative. For example, for the adjective "big" the Positive form would be "big" itself, the Comparitive form would be "bigger" and the Superlative form would be "biggest".

In Turkish, we express the Comparitive form using "daha" and the Superlative form using "en". For example, for the adjective "büyük" the Positive form would be "büyük" itself, the Comparitive form would be "daha büyük" and the Superlative form would be "en büyük".


Positive Comparitive Superlative
büyük daha büyük en büyük
big bigger biggest
küçük daha küçük en küçük
small smaller smallest
hızlı daha hızlı en hızlı
fast faster fastest
kolay daha kolay en kolay
easy easier easiest
iyi daha iyi en iyi
good better best
genç daha genç en genç
young younger youngest